

MAX Cheat Zone

Half-Life Counter Strike

Activate the console on the server machine (~) and type "sv_cheats 1" to enable the following codes.

     Arctic sniper rifle - givespaceweapon_awp
     Auto-aim with sniper rifle - sv_aim
     Adjust gravity - sv_gravity <-999 - 999999>
     See and fire through walls and objects - gl_zmax <0-9999>
     View other players' frags - cl_hidefrags 0
     Faster forward motion - cl_forwardspeed 999
     Faster backwards motion - cl_backspeed 999
     Faster side motion - cl_sidespeed 999
     Level select - changelevel <map name>
     Weapon select - give <weapon name>
     Auto-reload enabled - +reload
     Auto-reload disabled - -reload
     Change skins - skin <skin name>
     See things brightly without flashlight - lambert -1.0001
     SetC4 timer - mp_c4timer <-1000-1000>
     Hyper auto-aim enabled - sv_clienttrace 999999999
     Hyper auto-aim disabled - sv_clienttrace 1
     Get $16,000 - impulse101
     Splatter bones and body tissue - impulse102 (or impulse202)
     Set freeze period at the start of rounds. Set to 0 to disable (default is 6) - mp_freezetime <#>
     Set maximum length in minutes a round can last (default is 5) - mp_roundtime <3-15>
     Toggle auto-help hint messages (default is 1) - ah <0 or 1>
     Toggle crosshairs in observer mode (default is 1) - cl_observercrosshair <0 or 1>
     Toggle flashlight use (default is 1) - mp_flashlight <0 or 1>
     Toggle footsteps (default is 1) - mp_footsteps <0 or 1>
     Whiten all surroundings at 800x600 resolution - r_lightmap 1
     Turn off textures - gl_picmic 3

NOTE: These codes may only be entered by the host computer.








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