

MAX Cheat Zone

Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield

To activate Rainbow Six: Raven Shield cheats press ( ~ ) to bring up the console and then type:

     behindView 1 - Allows you to play in third person (0 is first person)
     ghost - Allows you to fly around the map (typing Walk will end it)
     fullAmmo - Stocks your player with lots of ammo
     god - Makes you invincible
     godteam - Makes you and your team invincible
     godhostage - Makes the hostages invincible (1 - Yes, 2 - No)
     godall - Activates all the god modes
     toggleUnlimitedPractice - Mission objectives are updated but game never ends
     toggleCollision - Allows you to walk through other actors (team, terrorists and hostages)
     toggleThreatInfo - Shows threat info
     neutralizeTerro - Neutralises all terrorists on the level
     disarmbombs - Disarms all the bombs on the level
     deactivateIODevice - Deactivate IODevice like phones, laptop (ie: plant a bug)
     rescuteHostage - "Rescues" all hostages on the level
     disableMorality - Disables morality rules




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