

MAX Cheat Zone

Zoo Tycoon

Change a visitor's name to any of the following for the desired effect:

     Adam Levesque - Makes all animals care programs available
     Akiyama - Unlocks all of the scenarios
     Alfred H - White Birds Appear and Scare People
     Andrew Binder - Unlocks all of the animal houses
     Bill Gates - Get higher donations
     Charlie Petterson - Get all the foliage
     Hank Howie - Researches All Zoo Staff Research
     John Wheeler - All Animal Shelters Available
     Lou Catanzaro - All animal toys
     Mr. Blue - Changes clothes and buildings color to Blue
     Mr. Blonde - Changes clothes and buildings color to Yellow
     Mr. White - Changes clothes and buildings color to White
     Mr. Brown - Changes clothes and buildings color to Brown
     Mr. Orange - Changes clothes and buildings color to Orange
     Mr. Pink - Changes clothes and buildings color to Pink
     Mr. White - Changes clothes and buildings color to White
     Russell C - Fences All Deteriorate 100%
     Steve Serafino - Unlocks all of the endangered animals
     Zeta Psi - Some People's Shirt Turns Yellow and They Puke




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